Part 1 - The Deniers "Debate"
The evolution, abundance and distribution of our species were shaped largely by climate change.
Our hominid ancestors responded to these changes in the past, adapting to new environments
and so we survived until today. Climate has impacted us many times will we react this time?
Climate Change
There are none so blind
as those who will not see?
Denial "Debate"
Bill Maher before Michael Mann went to play dirty hockey with the deniers in Copenhagen
I don't need to preach to the enlightened or converted.
This is for those who aren't sure, don't care or are still sitting on the bench and not in the game.
Question for you - Don't you find the denials or the deniers incredible? Literally.
Question for you - Don't you find the denials or the deniers incredible? Literally.
Hardcore climate change deniers... even if they know... apparently won't let the facts get in YOUR way.
You're smart, look at all the evidence and use your own judgement. Regardless of the cause, doesn't "our family home" need some spring cleaning? intelligent animals don't soil their nest. So isn't adopting and adapting to things "Green" a smart, long-term yet profitable strategy for humanity to take?
There is now ample evidence from solid data and it all points to an obvious
conclusion. There can no longer be a stick your head in the sand attitude denying that the climate is changing. Reason alone to re-assess.
Along with changes in the weather are changes in ecology. Life tends to adapt to the new patterns at varying rates depending on its capacity to keep up with the rate of change. The rate of change is important. Whether the climate change we are seeing today is due to man's activity or a normal part of a long planetary record of climate is really happening. And now, it’s happening at an unprecedented rate.
The hope now is, it's not too late too late to ward off drastic disaster...
Along with changes in the weather are changes in ecology. Life tends to adapt to the new patterns at varying rates depending on its capacity to keep up with the rate of change. The rate of change is important. Whether the climate change we are seeing today is due to man's activity or a normal part of a long planetary record of climate is really happening. And now, it’s happening at an unprecedented rate.
The hope now is, it's not too late too late to ward off drastic disaster...
Where there any early signs?
Yes, 40 years ago.
A Polar Bear or a Canary in a Coal Mine?
Will this be us? "Bearly" hanging on?
A short drop
from dominant predator to extinct mammal?
"The Warning" officially came 20 years ago
David Suzuki
and more recently
Requiem For A Species
It is not the end of the earth, but…The history of life on earth for various reasons from drastic climate change from geological activity to comets and asteroids and has seen several mass extinctions. Life and evolution have always had the opportunity afterward to generate and increase bio-diversity. This is the idea of punctuated-equilibrium from Alvarez and Gould. (I will have more to say about this theory and my consulting in future posts.) The diverse post-extinction species however, would be new and can be expected to be quite different from those that were dominant there before. The evidence is that it has done so again and again. Humans themselves have hominid relatives who are now extinct. (Although Neanderthal genes are still with us). We own our existence to our ancestors having the quick ability to come up with a very wide range of adaptations when exposed to new conditions. There is no reason why this should not continue. I dare say we are still intelligent enough but are we up to the next challenges ahead. But the fact that we are not so diverse, the last lonely species in our lineage should be sobering. And wake us up.
News Media was once journalism of the facts. But is it even about science or facts anymore?
Is it about "Balanced Reporting"? Yeah right...far right.
Cleopatra the Queen of De Nial
Disruption is underway in our ecology on many fronts....
These changes can no longer be mistaken or ignored, regardless of the cause.
David Suzuki at Occupy Montreal
Most animals will realize the temperature is changing, unless they are bit less wise & more cold-blooded
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